BAOBAB Women’s Project

Type of service

Advice, Advocacy & Support for Refugee/Asylum Seeker & Migrant Women

Organisation description

Baobab gives confidential advice and assistance to women on immigration, health, financial and housing issues. We also provide information on other projects and services, colleges and support groups. We focus on undocumented and asylum seeking women, and help newly granted refugees and settled women access established community services. We prioritise women who have been affected by gender violence and trafficking.

Our trauma informed ethos is to engage women to learn about and navigate the system in a positive way, stand in their own power and draw on supportive people and networks. Practicing advocates have years experience and are working with newly qualified advocates, we are all developing casework skills. We work with community interpreters.

We provide advice, advocacy and assistance to refugee and migrant women, through drop in and 1-1 support services. We also work with partners on research, training and awareness raising. 

Geographical area covered

West Midlands

Contact Information


General Enquiries/Volunteering/Media/Training/Awareness Raising Support:


Advocacy Support:

Open Wednesdays 10am-1pm


Advocacy Advice Line: 07847271022

*Please note e-mails for Advocacy Support are checked weekly on a Wednesday

Social Networks


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