Community Development Worker Team

Type of service

Community Mental Health & Wellbeing Support

Organisation description

The Birmingham Mind Community Development Worker Service (CDWs), work with communities across Birmingham to promote discussion around mental health and wellbeing through various training, workshops and activity sessions. Focusing on working with all communities groups and leaders; they work to increase knowledge of mental health and wellbeing, encourage greater self-awareness and self-management as well as to increase community engagement and cohesion citywide. The service has seven different projects which all look at different aspects of wellbeing as listed below. Women’s Health,led by Fatema Hickson, this project provides a safe space to talk about the importance of women’s health and wellbeing, including during and immediately after pregnancy, and will be working with women are who survivors of domestic abuse, and the importance of positive relationships.

Men’s Health, this project supported by Owen Harris, Uroy Kelly and Julie Carnell engages with men to find out men’s copings strategies to mental health and wellbeing within the different community groups. Newly Arrived Communities offers support and signposting for newly arrived communities in Birmingham, i.e. asylum seekers and refugees, advising them of health, wellbeing and housing services. Ibrar Uddin, also delivers workshops in health and wellbeing, to help reduce feelings of isolation and to promote integration.

Supporting Families is a project led by Zahida Khan to assist in identifying the needs of families with carers, mental health issues, debt and self-harm behaviours and works to address the needs of families within the city providing resourcing and signposting information. Criminal Justice project looks to identify barriers faced by ex-offenders on release from prison. Stephen Lewis supports them in their journey reconnecting with society, as well as supporting their friends and family.

African Caribbean Communities a project led by Uroy Kelly, which provides a meeting place for community members, to identify common issues concerning their community, in order to maintain cultural activities and promote understanding and equality. LGBTQ Communities, this will be a new project that will be led by Julie Carnell, that looks to address the barriers faced by the LGBTQ people, improve mental health and wellbeing and provide opportunities to connect and share experiences To find out more about the work undertaken by our CDW Team, please call.

Geographical area covered


Contact Information


Birmingham Mind

Contact information:

Uroy Kelly: African Caribbean Communities – 07801 130 660

Stephen Lewis: Criminal Justice – 07801 130 658

Zahida Khan: Supporting Families – 07801 130 655

Owen Harris: Men’s Health – 07801 130 656

Fatema Hickson: Women’s Health – 07801 130 657

Ibrar Uddin: Newly-Arrived Communities – 07801 130 526

Julie Carnell: Service Manager – 07801 130599


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