Frequently Asked Questions about this site

1. Q: Who is the BARMS website for?

A: The directory is for asylum seekers, refugees and migrants arriving and living in the city of Birmingham. It is also a useful directory of local services for anyone working in the refugee and migrant sector in Birmingham to help facilitate better communication, collaboration and partnerships across different communities and sectors. 

2. Q: What if I can’t find the service I am looking for?

A: You can use the search tool on BARMS, but if you can’t find the service you need you may want to try looking at other online directories. There is a link to The Waiting Room directory on BARMS which may further meet your needs. Also you can use the CONTACT option and make a direct enquiry.

3. Q: English isn’t my preferred language. Does BARMS translate into other languages?

A: Yes – BARMS translates to a wide range of languages. Just click on the “select language” feature for the website to be translated.

4. Q: Does BARMS collect personal data about me?

A: We use some data, the data we record helps us with the development of the website and supports the improvement of local services. All the data is anonymous, for more information please check out our privacy policies.

5. Q: Is there a charge for using BARMS?

A: There is no charge for using BARMS.

6. Q: How often is BARMS updated/checked?

A: BARMS is reviewed on a regular basis. We do appreciate that on the odd occasion a link may not work, if this occurs please let us know via our feedback page.

7. Q: Am I able to add a service to BARMS?

A: You can apply to be included on BARMS. You can download the BARMS application for inclusion form. You can also email us directly at info@barms.org.uk

8. Q: How can I give my feedback to BARMS?

A: You will be able to give your feedback via our feedback page, your feedback can be given anonymously but if you want us to get back in touch, you will need to leave your name and email address.

9. Q: Who are the developers behind TWR

A: A collaboration between Common Unity and Birmingham City Council’s City of Sanctuary. For more information please click HERE.

10. Q: How can I get in touch with you?

A: You can get in touch with us via the Feedback page, the Contact page and via  Email here

11. How do I know the services shown are any good on BARMS?

A: The BARMS website houses local services that exist to support Asylum seekers, refugees and migrants. The service information supplied for this website is via Birmingham City Council’s City of Sanctuary. Checks are made to ensure the services highlighted are fit for purpose but BARMS exists as a guide only. The developers of BARMS do not condone or promote any specific service over another. 

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