Asylum Matters

Type of service


Organisation description

Asylum Matters works in partnership locally and nationally to improve the lives of refugees and people seeking asylum through social and political change. We do this by:

Bridging the gap between asylum policy and practice: We mobilise our regional networks to collect evidence about the impact of policies on people going through the asylum system. In this way we aim to ensure that national policy discussions are informed by the realities faced by refugees and people seeking asylum.
Acting as a catalyst and convenor of campaigning action: We coordinate advocacy and campaigning work on a range of issues ahead of key influencing opportunities. We also provide a forum for our partners to exchange information, share best practice and plan joint action.
Reinforcing links between local and national campaigning: We facilitate collaboration between local organisations and national agencies. Where possible, we align campaigning activities and ensure consistency in messaging so that decision-makers receive the same calls to action at local and national levels.
Building voice and local campaigning capacity: We work with local partners to build their capacity and support their own campaigning and advocacy work. We look for platforms for refugees, people seeking asylum and their supporters to tell their stories and campaign for change.
Advocating directly with decision-makers: We work with policy-makers to address the issues identified by our partners and ensure that these discussions are informed by local perspectives.

Geographical area covered

West Midlands

Contact Information

Emma Birks
07557 983227
West Midlands

Social Networks

Facebook: Asylum Matters


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